Inspiring Young Activists and Future Voters

From September to November, Team Kirkwood was busy birthing 4th grade activists and future voters. 

The second book that we read and discussed in the voting series was entitled, “Mama Goes to Jail for the Vote.” This book is a salute to the Suffragists, all 168, including Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul who fought so that women could vote. They sacrificed much, which included vicious attacks and being force fed while imprisoned for six months.

After a long while, they were supported by Pres. Woodrow Wilson and eventually pardoned and released. The victory was the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment, which GAVE ALL WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE. The 168 jailed women were awarded a "Jailed for Freedom Pin, 1917.” 

Every election year, please vote to honor those who fought and died so that we can be counted- your VOTE is important!