Birthday, Bach, and Balloons

I celebrated my birthday with Ms. Butler’s fourth grade class… 

 I had a cold, so my beloved adopted daughter, Dr. Tanya Malone from PA, read a book entitled Bach, about one of the early great composers. The children learned that you can make musical magic with just seven notes. 

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My daughter Juliette demonstrated (see below) with a piece that she composed for The Moth StoryTelling Series. 

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Then we had an “Everybody Birthday Celebration.” I made mini pound cakes: 21, to be exact. The students frosted and added sprinkles, adding their own creative touch. 

Then Julie played Happy Birthday while we sang. 

Sending a heartfelt THANK YOU to Julie and Tanya for bringing the book Bach to life and helping Team Kirkwood spread cheer and joy. Last, THANK YOU, RootStock Republic for donating 22 helium filled balloons and sand weights for Ms. Butler and each student!

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